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 Spiritual Direction 


We are here to explore your spiritual journey together as it is experienced in the ordinariness of your life. Our understanding of God or the Divine may differ, but that’s to be expected and is welcome.


Following is what I covenant to do in our times together:


  • I will approach our time together with reverence and humility—praying and asking that we feel God’s presence while together.

  • I will pay attention to whatever you want to share and will observe where, in you, I notice the Spirit may be living, moving, and drawing you closer.

  • I will center our sessions on you and your discovery of insight and wisdom, residing in you because the Light of Christ/the Divine/the Breath of God is in you and holds you.

  • I will resist giving advice and will not try to fix or change you. Additionally, I will lay aside judgments, opinions, biases and assumptions.

  • I will hold your story in strict confidence, except for those cases where required by law or court order to do so         \(e.g. abuse).

  • I will hold you in the Light between sessions, and if you are inclined to do the same for me, I will be grateful.



I meet directees in person (Newberg, Oregon) or by zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9-5. We commit to begin and end  on time. Generally, we will meet once/month, but there is room for flexibility within that.


Fee structure:

In recognition that access to resources flow in uneven ways where some have more and others less, I offer the following fee structure. 

The standard fee per one-hour session is $75, payable at the end of the session.  Discern what you have freedom to pay within a recommended range of $60-90.

Cost needn't be prohibitive. I am open to creative non-monetary ways of exchanging goods and services. If you sense a nudging to pursue spiritual direction let's have a conversation. 


If you need to reschedule, kindly do so with as much notice as possible, though even 2 hours allows me to re-configure my day. 


Member of Spiritual Directors International

Spiritual Direction Certificate through Portland Seminary

Certificate from the Center for Action and Contemplation Living School

© 2022 Lisa Graham McMinn

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