Personal Reflection
Day Retreats
At Fern Creek one can inhale and exhale with the quiet comings and goings of life in the woods. Space opens for prayer, journaling, reading, rest, study, and contemplation. A trail follows deer paths through the forest (old growth and new), a hammock strung between an oak and maple tree invites one to rest (or nap) for about eight months of the year, and benches throughout Fern Creek invite guests to come be present--to sit for awhile, aware of what lives and moves and shares this moment and this place with visitors.
Retreatants come listen, sit, wander and rest at Fern Creek for some part of a day. In addition to meandering the woods, orchards, and fields at Fern Creek, you reserve either the Prayer Cabin for two, four, six or eight hours (using the bathroom in the guesthouse as needed) or the guesthouse apartment (with kitchen, powder room, writing table and couches).
Recommended Donation for Reserving the Prayer Cabin (with use of bathroom in the guesthouse):
$25 for up to 2 hours
$40 for up to 4 hours
$60 for up to 8 hours
Recommended Donation for Reserving the Guesthouse Apartment:
$90 for 4 -8 hours
Optional additions:
Guided Retreat: $30
One hour of spiritual direction: $75